If you’re looking for a fresh and exciting challenge in Diablo 4 Season 7, Witchcraft powers are the way to go. This season introduces four schools of Witchcraft, with the Growth and Decay school offering one of the most exciting powers: Poison Frog Servant. These frogs summon poisonous creatures that explode upon death, offering powerful AoE damage and crowd control potential.
Unlocking Witchcraft Powers To unlock these powerful abilities, you’ll need to participate in new seasonal activities like Whisper Bounties and defeat the Headrotten enemies, which drop Restless Rot. This resource is necessary to unlock new Witchcraft powers at the Coven Altar, located in the Tree of Whispers. Crafting Your Build Around Exploding Frogs To make the most of the Poison Frog Servant, pair it with other poison-focused abilities or AoE damage skills. Look for gear that enhances poison damage or boosts your survivability, as this build relies on being in close proximity to enemies. Ready to dive in? Visit U4GM for diablo iv gold, diablo 4 materials, and resources that will help you master the Witchcraft system and dominate the season. |
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